Personal commitment

Common Good Impact Test (February 2022)

A. Human dignity

B. Solidarity and justice

C. Environmental Sustainability

D. Transparency and Co-decision


C O M M O N    G O O D   I M P A C T   T E S T

General interpretation of data (The average values determined are only indications and not a judgement of your person):

Values between 4 and 5: You appear to be a person who thinks and acts consistently for the common good.

Values between 3 and 4: Your values show that you have recognized the importance of the common good and that you are usually able to implement it.

Values between 2 and 3: You appear as a person who could orientate himself even more strongly towards the common good and act accordingly.

Values between 1 and 2: From your answers it becomes clear that your interest in the common good tends to be low.

You are invited to check your personal behavior and life style in relation to the values of the ECG, please access this -link- to do so.

Codes of ethics and professional conduct

External assurance of sustainability reporting

In compliance with International Independence Standards assurance engagements other than audit engagements and review engagements; consistently to the Handbook of the International Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants.